Votre entreprise est française ou fait des affaires avec la France ? Envisagez le programme VIE + le visa J-1 pour vos besoins en ressources humaines.

Qu'est-ce que
le programme VIE ? Volontaire pour l'expérience internationale

Le VIE est un programme de ressources humaines offert par le gouvernement français qui permet à votre entreprise de recruter facilement de jeunes stagiaires professionnels de haut niveau en Europe. Il est entièrement flexible et s'accompagne de nombreux avantages financiers, ce qui explique le succès de ce programme.

Depuis sa création en 2001 : 

  •  40.000 VIE ont été accueillis par plus de 4.500 entreprises dans le monde.
  • 7.400 VIE sont actuellement en mission pour 1.700 entreprises dans 130 pays.

What Are the Benefits of the Vie Program?

Besides facilitating business development and relationship building, our chamber provides regular educational events in the form of seminars and masterclasses on subjects like legal matters, immigration issues, and tax planning, for the exclusive benefit of our members.

Our bi-cultural team supports the planning and development of these special events that keep the community connected and informed. With our services, we aim to bring together the members of the French-American community on the platform of education and networking, creating rewarding relationships.

We provide the tools and resources to help you grow your business. We are here to help you and we encourage businesses that are located in Central Florida and the Space Coast - or wish to do business in these locations - to join our growing chamber.

A turnkey solution to your HR needs

BUSINESS FRANCE handles administrative procedures (payroll administration, contract, insurance and, upon request, travel and recruitment processes). They work with the host company in the U.S. to approve and process the J-1 visa application for the VIE candidate.

Fiscal incentives & subsidies

The full cost of the VIE is charged to the French company, not the host company. In addition, the VIE Program is exempt from taxation in France. The company in France is also entitled to certain fiscal advantages (tax deductible for subsidies, tax credit for SMEs, etc.) as well as regional subsidies. 


A variety of private sector assignments are possible, with a duration ranging from 6 to 18 months in the U.S. (can be extended to 24 months maximum in other countries). Candidates can be trained in France and transferred to another subsidiary of the same company in the U.S. or elsewhere.

High-profile young professionals

BUSINESS FRANCE has a pool of 45,000 young professionals waiting to learn from and contribute to your business. These young professionals are:
- Graduates of Europe’s best schools and universities
- Citizens of the European Economic Area
- 60% are between 25 and 29 years old
Companies can choose their trainee or intern candidates by their own recruitment methods, or BUSINESS FRANCE can assist in the recruitment process.

  • Devenir membre de FABCO

    Les membres de FABCO ont accès à notre réseau de membres et à une variété d'autres événements et services. Pour en savoir plus sur nos adhésions et poser votre candidature en ligne, cliquez ici !

Pour en savoir plus

Veuillez vous référer aux guides VIE suivants :

A propos du programme VIE

Devis sur les coûts du programme VIE

Pour plus d'informations sur le programme VIE, veuillez contacter Maxime Granger, Département du programme VIE, BUSINESS FRANCE au +1 (212) 400-2172 ou [email protected]. Les candidats peuvent également se référer au portail Civiweb pour plus d'informations.

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